sâmbătă, 28 august 2010


? ? ?

Six bands/musicians I’ve been listening to a lot:

3. the veronicas
5. pixie lott
6. katy perry

Four things I’m currently addicted to:
1. ''Sandy Bell''
2. ''Being Erica''
3. diary

My dream future: a job, a city,a pet:
1. nu m-am decis inca in privinta jobului:P
2. mai multe.
3. un Jack Russell;x

Five things that always cheer me up:
1. friends
2. him
3. sandy bellus;x
4. pestii:P
5. music

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. him
2. viitorii colegi de clasa/liceu
3. ratza
4. blondiss
5. amintiri
6. other people
7. food

Eight things I see right now:
1. telefonu'
2. mama
5. cd-uri aruncate
6. hartii
7. mess
8.unghiile mele rosii

Two things I want to do before I die:
1. sa o revad pe Mara
2. sex

What color mostly reflects your personality?

If you could switch bodies with anyone of the same gender as you, who would it be?

Are you happy with your name, or would you change it?
i'm happy with it.<3>What is irritating you right now?

Is there someone who is on your mind nine tenths of the day?

Do you have serious trust issues?
a lot.

What was the last thing you thought about before drifting into sleep?
my childhood.

If your enemy showed up on your doorstep begging for forgiveness, what would you do?
i don't have or i don't think i have but i would forgive them.

What is something you want?
sa nu mai uite lumea de mine:-j

Do you ever wish you were born in a different time period?
nu m-am gandit la asta dar ..nu.

Think you’ll be married in five years?
no way! sau cine stie:))

Do any of your friends smoke?


My personality:

*i’m obnoxious.

*i’m sarcastic.

*i’m cocky.

*i cry easily.

*i have a bad temper.

*for the most part, i don’t like people.

*i like to fight.

*i have more enemies than friends.

*i’ve smoked.

*i drink coffee.

*i clean my room daily.

My appearance:

*i wear makeup.

*i wear a piece of jewelry at all times.

*i wear contacts.

*i wear glasses.

*i’ve had braces.

*i have braces.

*i change my hair color often.

*i straighten my hair often.

*my ears are pierced.


*i’m in a relationship now.

*i’m single.

*i’m always scared of being hurt.

*i’ve told someone i loved them when i didn’t.

*i’ve told someone i didn’t love them when i did.

*i’ve been in love more than two times.

*i believe in love at first sight.


i have a best friend. no

i have at least ten friends. no

i’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend. no

i’ve beaten up a friend. yes

i’ve been in a serious fight with a friend. yes

i can trust at least five people with my life. yes


i’ve been on a plane. no

i’ve been on a train. yes

i’ve taken a city bus. yes

i’ve gone bungee jumping. NO

i’ve made a speech. yes

i’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight. no

i’ve been in a physical fight. yes


i listen to rock. yes

i’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until i hate it. NO

i hate the radio. no

i download music. yes

i buy cd’s. no


i spend at least six hours a day watching television
. yes

i watch soap operas daily. yes

i’ve seen and like House. yes

i’ve seen and like csi. yes

Family life:

my biological parents are still together. no

i have at least one brother. yes

i have at least one sister

i have at least one step brother/sister. yes

i have at least one half brother/sister. NO

i’ve been kicked out of the house. yes

i’ve ran away from my home. no

i’ve sworn at my parents. no

i’ve made my parents cry. no

i’ve lied to my parents. yes

i’ve lied to my parents about what i’m doing. yes

i’ve lied to my parents so i’d be allowed out. yes

i’ve walked out when i’ve been grounded. yes


i’ve been brown. no  

i’ve had black. no

i’ve been red. no

i’ve had purple/pink .no

i’ve been light brown. no

i’ve been medium brown. no

i’ve been blue/green. no

i use conditioner. no  

i’ve used hot oil treatments. no

i’ve curled my hair. yes

I've straightened my hair. yes

i’ve ironed my hair. no

i’ve braided my hair. yes


i’ve thrown something at a teacher. no

i’ve yelled at a teacher. no

i’ve been suspended. no

i’ve walked out of class. yes

i’ve skipped an entire day of school. no

i’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class. no

i’ve failed a test. yes

i’ve cheated on a test. yes

i’ve helped someone else cheat on a test. yes

i’ve failed art. no

i’ve failed math. no

a teacher has called my parents.no

i’ve been caught skipping. yess


I have many scars.yes

I tan easily. no

I wish my hair was a different color. no

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. no

I have a tattoo. no

I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 safe, free of cost, and scar-free. yes

I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger. yes

I have more than 2 piercings. no

I have piercings in places besides my ears. no

I have freckles. yes


Disney movies still make me cry. no

I’ve snorted while laughing.yes

I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. yes

I’ve glued my hand to something. no

I’ve had my pants rip in public. no


I was born with a disease/impairment.  no

I’ve gotten stitch.no  

I’ve broken a bone. yes

I’ve had my tonsils removed. no

I had a serious surgery. no

I’ve had chicken pox. i don't know

I have/had asthma.no


I’ve gotten lost in my city. no

I’ve seen a shooting star. yes

I’ve wished on a shooting star. no

I’ve seen a meteor shower. no

I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. yes

I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. yes

I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts
. no

I’ve been to a casino. no

I’ve been skydiving. no

I’ve played spin the bottle. yes yes

 I’ve crashed a car
. no

I’ve been Skiing .no

I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. yes

I’ve played a prank on someone. yes

I’ve eaten Sushi.no

I’ve been snowboarding. no


I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.no

I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. yes

I’ve snuck out of my house. no

I have lied to my parents about where I am. yes

I am keeping a secret from the world. yes

I’ve cheated while playing a game. yes

I’ve cheated on a test. yes

I’ve been suspended from school. no


I’ve consumed alcohol. yes

I regularly drink. no

I can’t swallow pills. no

I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem. yes

I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. noo

I shut others out when I’m depressed. no

I take anti-depressants. no

I have been diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia. no

I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it. no

I’ve woken up crying. yes 


I’m afraid of dying without saying goodbye. yes

I hate funerals. yes

I’ve seen someone dying. no

Someone close to me has attempted suicide. no

Someone close to me has committed suicide. no


I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. noooo

I open up to others easily. yes

I watch the news. yes

I don’t kill bugs. no.i kill bugssss.

I sing in the shower. yes

I twirl my hair. yes

I can cook. yes

I know how to shoot a gun. no

I am in love with love. yes

I laugh at my own jokes. yes

I eat fast food weekly.no

I believe in ghosts. no

I am really ticklish. no

I love white chocolate.yes

I bite my nails. no

I’m good at remembering faces. no

I’m good at remembering names.no

I’m good at remembering dates
. yes

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